How to Cook Steak in an Oven

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ImageHere is an absolutely foolproof, easy, and quick way to make a steak indoors, in the oven. Add a loaf of bread, a salad, and a bottle of wine, and you have an easy and delicious meal. No grill required.

This method takes 15 minutes, tops. Have the rest of your meal ready, the candles lit, and the wine poured before you start cooking. (Although you should probably heat the broiler at least 20 minutes before you need to cook.) It turns out a beautifully juicy, medium-rare steak, with crisped and crunchy edges, and so much flavor! This is probably our favorite way to cook a steak, honestly; it is even easier than grilling.

How To Cook Perfect Steak in the Oven

Yield: One pound of steak is plenty to feed two people. In fact, I’ve served four people on just one pound of boneless rib eye. One pound of bone-in ribeye is enough for a feast for two, with a little left over for lunch the next day.

What You Need


One approximately 1-pound ribeye steak, 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick
Canola or vegetable oil
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper


Cast iron skillet
Long tongs
Very thick or well-padded oven mitt


1. The first, and most important, step in cooking a great steak is to buy a great steak. The best way to do this is to go to a local butcher, preferably one who either raises the animals himself or sources them from a local farm. The beef should be at least partially grass-fed and humanely butchered. Look for steaks that have been dry-aged to intensify the flavor, too. I buy my steak from a butcher at my local market; they raise the animals on a farm nearby and dry age the beef for at least a couple weeks. 

2. Buy a rib eye steak. It should be at least 1-inch thick and have some fat marbling around the edges. Again, buy the best you can. No matter how expensive it is, it will still be cheaper than eating out on Valentine’s Day! Expect to pay at least $10 to $15 for a pound of steak. If it is less than that, pass it up. I live in the Midwest, so prices aren’t too bad here. If you’re in the city, you should probably expect to pay at least $20 per pound. 1 pound of steak will easily feed two, and can be stretched to three or even four people.

3. Now that you have your rib eye steak, open the package and drain out any juices. Blot the steak dry with paper towels or a rag. Let the steak come to room temperature, if it isn’t already.

4. Turn on your oven and heat it to broil. Put a cast iron skillet in the oven to heat up with the oven.

6. Pour a little canola or vegetable oil (about 2 tablespoons) into a small bowl.

7. Put about 1 tablespoon of kosher salt into a ramekin and mix in a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper.

8. Brush the oil all over the steak, coating it generously on both sides and on the ends.

9. Now sprinkle the salt and pepper mix generously on both sides of the steak, patting it into the steak so it sticks.

10. Turn on a stove burner to high heat.

11. Very, very carefully remove the hot cast iron skillet from the oven, using your thickest and most reliable oven mitt or pad! Place it over the high heat and use long, sturdy kitchen tongs to place the steak on the hot pan. It should sizzle immediately.

12. Cook the steak for 30 seconds, then flip it over.

13. Cook the steak for an additional 30 seconds on the other side. Then, again carefully, put the skillet and steak back in the oven. Cook the steak for 2 minutes. (Don’t forget to turn off the burner) Open the oven and carefully flip the steak, using the long tongs. Return to the oven and cook for an additional 2 minutes. At this point your steak will be medium-rare (as seen in the photos). If you prefer your steak closer to medium, add 2 minutes to the oven time.

14. Take the steak out of the oven. Turn off the oven. Remove the steak from the pan and put it on a large cutting board. Cover it with aluminum foil and let the steak rest for about 5 minutes.

15. Slice the steak against the grain and fan slices out on each plate. Serve immediately.

Additional Notes: 
• If you wish, you can also make a pan sauce with the drippings from the steak. To do this, put the skillet over medium heat while the steak is resting. Add about 1/2 cup of beef or chicken broth, and about 1/2 cup of red wine. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer until it is reduced by at least half. Scrape up any small bits of meat still clinging to the skillet. Pour the reduced sauce over the sliced steak on each plate before serving.


It’s Not Steak, But Fish Is Good For Men

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Healthy diets almost always contain fish, a protein food with fewer calories than other meat sources. It’s also one of nature’s most versatile foods. As well as different species of fish, you can steam, bake, fry or poach fish. It’s great raw in the form of sashimi, anchovies, carpaccio and gravlax. But there have been conflicting health messages around the benefits of eating fish.

Long regarded as low in fat and high in “good fats,” the health benefits have been overwhelmed by concerns about the environmental problems caused by over-fishing and health risks caused by pollutants.

The Harvard School of Public Health reviewed existing studies that looked at the health effects of eating fish — and the jury’s come back in favor of… eating fish!

The Harvard study recommended eating up to two portions of fish a week and that eating fish could cut the risk of death from heart disease by a third. The evidence across different studies showed that fish consumption lowers the risk of death from heart disease by 36 per cent.

The oils in some fish appear to reduce the blood from clotting by reducing the stickiness of the blood. The most beneficial fish in this context is oily fish such as salmon or mackerel. The researchers also suggested that eating that amount of fish or fish oil intake reduces total mortality by 17 per cent.


Studies have shown that fish alleviates a range of ailments.

Prostate cancer: A Swedish study of 6000 men over 30 years show that men who did not eat fish between double and trebled the risk of developing prostate cancer compared to those that did. Fish also contains selenium, thought to have cancer-fighting properties.

Depression: The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish are believed to raise levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which aids in reducing depression. Skin: Some dermatologists say that a salmon rich diet acts like a facial — smoothing out age lines.

Inflammation: Omega 3 fatty acids, through several mechanisms, regulate your body’s inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis and cystitis. Fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids includes, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon.

Give Your Man Steak’s Super, Juicy, Juicy Steaks.

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Give Your Man Steak says…there’s nothing better than taking a walk on the ride side and experimenting with spices and flavorings and you make his mouth water with a juicy steak.  Enjoy whipping up these tasty steaks and sit back, enjoy the meal and the celebration afterwards.


Cowboy Steak.  Cowboy indeed. This is a big porterhouse steak seasoned with garlic, chili

Cowboy Steak powder, salt and pepper and then grilled over a hot fire. Plan on one of these for two people unless you have been dared to eat too much steak at one sitting. This is certainly enough to satisfy the heartiest of appetites.



Michael Jordan's 23 DelmonicoMichael Jordan’s 23 Delmonico Steak.  23 is Michael Jordan’s famous Chicago restaurant. This is as close to their recipe for the Delmonico Steak that you are going to find. This grilled Rib-Eye gets topped with a fantastic mushroom, tomato, and rosemary sauce. The sauce that makes this recipe special seems strange but when it comes together it is something amazing.


Marinated London Broil is the recipe that became synonymous with the cut of beef. Marinated London BroilMarinated with garlic, wine, and vinegar, this is a traditional London Broil. To get the flavor authentic you will want charcoal, but a good gas grill will do the job just as well. This is a thick cut of steak, large enough to feed two, so check the internal temperature and make sure you get it cooked through to the middle.

Steak and Red Meat Can Calm Your Man

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According to scientists, women who want to calm down their husbands after a stressful day at the office should serve him a big steak.

Contrary to popular opinion that a hunk of red meat may make men aggressive, experts said it actually has a calming effect.

Psychologists said they were shocked by research findings which show that far from bringing out the ‘caveman instinct’ in modern men, seeing meat lowers any aggressive tendencies because it reminds males of friends and family at meal time.

Seeing meat provokes a sense of non-aggression that could be related to family feasting among the earliest humans. Experiments found that the sight of meat had a calming effect on males and made them less aggressive.

Psychological tests in which aggression levels were tested among 82 men who were asked to look at a variety of photographs, some of which featured cooked meat showed a surprising calmness.  Apparently our ancestors would be calm when they saw meat, as they would be surrounded by friends and family at meal time. The same goes for modern man

Evolutionary experts believe it is useful to look at innate reflexes in order to understand trends in society and personal behavior.  They said this latest research was important because it looked at ways society may influence environmental factors to decrease the likelihood of aggressive behavior.

So, the next time you feel your male counterpart may be stressed, aggressive or if you want to deliver news that would make him uncomfortable, serve a big juicy steak and the scenario will be calmer than expected.

Give Your Man Steak Cookbook Is Perfect For His Valentines Day Dinner

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Use theImage Give Your Man Steak Cookbook for recipes and ideas for your guys Valentines Day Meal.  Awesome recipes that you can cook for him and make him super happy this Valentines Day.  Hearty meals with him in mind that will make him love you, spoil you and be a superstar in his eyes.  Recipes from breakfast to lunch, to appetizers, desserts and cocktails just for him.  

Champagne Lobster, Silky Strawberry Sorbet, Millionaire Margaritas, Baked Cheddar Olives, Oven Roasted Red Potatoes and Asparagus and many more yummy dishes just for his tastebuds.

Visit the website at and purchase the cookbook for $14.99 and get it immediately.Image

Foods That You Just Have To Feed To Your Man

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Iceberg SaladWedge of iceberg and blue cheese dressing
The lettuce has to be ice-cold and the dressing room temperature. When creamy, salty flavors of the dressing tag-team with the crunch of the fresh iceberg, you’ll have your proof that the best taste sensations are often the simplest.

Kumamoto oysters Oysters
Harvested from Japanese shores these small, sweet oysters are nothing like the bland, flabby Gulf oysters you’re used to. Kumamotos are salty, but not overpowering, and taste incredible with a craft brew IPA. Hold the cocktail sauce and slurp them straight up.


Escargot .  Go ahead. Turn up your nose and try to leave this one to the FrenchieEscargots—but  these luscious, tender, garlic-and-butter-loaded mollusks are delicious . Even better than eating the meat: using a hunk of garlic bread to sop the sauce.


Handmade pasta
Once you’ve had it, there’s no going back to the box. Making your own is an art that takes time to master, but the manpower pays off with pasta that doesn’t require a swamp of sauce to taste amazing. All you need is salt, pepper, a hit of high-quality olive oil and a hefty sprinkling of Parmesan. Can’t spare the investment? Make friends with an Italian grandma. Quickly.

Steak tartare

The Beauty of T-Bone & Tenderloins

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The T-Bone

We do quite a bit of steak talk around here, but we’ve never covered the true basics: how to pick the one you want.

First, a definition. Steaks are basically any piece of meat that falls under the category of “fast-cooking” cuts—cuts that are low enough in connective tissue that they don’t require the long cooking times that “slow-cooking” cuts require. The difference between a steak and roast essentially comes down to size. Any good roast can be cut into individual steaks (although, unfortunately, it’s not possible to put together several steaks into a large roast without the aid of transglutaminase, or at the very least, a reliable time machine).

While cheaper cuts like sirloin, flank, and skirt, or cheffy cuts like hanger and flatiron are becoming increasingly popular and available these days (my favorite is hanger), the kings of the steakhouse are still those cuts that come from the Longissimus dorsi and the Psoas major. The Longissimus dorsi are a pair of long, tender muscles that run down either side of the spine of the steer, outside the ribs, all the way from the neck to the hip. The tenderness of a steak is inversely related to the amount of work that a muscle does during the steer’s lifetime. So as a relatively unused muscle, the Longissimus dorsi (commonly referred to as the loin or the backstrap) are extremely tender, making them an ideal candidate for steak (and also quite expensive).

Also Sold As: Porterhouse (when tenderloin section is 1 1/2-inches or wider)

Where It’s Cut From: The T-bone is a two-for-one cut—it’s comprised of a piece of tenderloin, and a piece of strip separated by a T-shaped bone. The regular T-bone is cut from the front end of the Short loin primal, just after the tenderloin starts, giving it a smallish piece of tenderloin (between 1/2- and 1 1/2-inches wide). A Porterhouse steak, on the other hand, is cut from further back and has a section of tenderloin at least 1 1/2-inches wide.

See how the two steaks fit together?


What It Tastes Like: The strip section tastes like strip, and the tenderloin tastes like, well, tenderloin.

The Best Way to Cook It: Grilling, broiling. Because of the irregularly-shaped bone, pan-searing is extremely difficult with a T-bone. As the meat cooks, it tends to shrink down a bit. The bone ends up protruding, preventing the meat from getting good contact with the pan surface, and inhibiting browning. Because of this, you’re much better off grilling it.

But even grilling isn’t completely straight-forward. Remember how the leaner tenderloin cooks faster than the fattier strip? That problem is compounded by the fact that the tenderloin section of the T-bone or Porterhouse is much smaller than the strip. The result is a tenderloin that ends up overcooking before the strip is even close to done.

But never fear! There’s an easy way to fix this problem. When grilling or broiling, just make sure you position the steak such that the tenderloin is further away from the heat source than the strip. Under a broiler, that means that the steak should be oriented so the strip rests closer to the heating element or flame. On a grill, this means building a modified two-level fire (that’s all the coals under one half of the grill, leaving the other half empty; on a gas grill, light one or two of the burners, leaving the other one off), then positioning the steak over the fire so that the tenderloin sections are closest to the empty side of the grill.

Why Men Like Mom’s Cooking Better Than The Wife

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You know I just thought of something.

Men love to eat but their mouths water like that of a dog when it’s time to eat their momma’s home cooking.  Of course, they try to act demure and shy but they really want to do cartwheels and backflips when it comes to moms home cooked vittles.

If they had to make an honest decision when it comes to choosing what’s in the pot between mom or their wife.  Bottom line.  Men like their mother’s cooking better, even if they are living happily ever after with their wife, spouse, mate or girlfriend.

Mothers serve up fanciful homecooked meals, have a wider repertoire of dishes, and always cook something they know their sons like.

Wives and girlfriends, on the other hand, are likely to rely on the microwave or oven-ready meals from the freezer because they are strapped for time because of work or childcare.

Research also found that one in four men often sneaks back to their mum’s for a spot of dinner without his wife or girlfriend knowing.  But it has to be quite endearing that men prefer their mother’s cooking.

As adults, men still seek the comfort and tradition of the cooking they have grown up with so they turn to their mums for what they perceive as a ‘proper meal”.

On the other hand, research also found more than one in 10 men think wives feel under pressure to live up to mother-in-law’s cooking skills.  With that said, can you imagine the hell that breaks loose when a man may suggest that his woman take cooking advice from his mom or mother-n-law per se?  Whew?  I don’t want to be around for that one.

So on that note, ladies, turn up the heat in the kitchen or simply accept that moms have that mommy magic when it comes to satisfying the dining pleasures of their son.  Don’t look at it as a bad thing.  Because just think.  If you’re a mom, with a son, then your baby will be coming home to devour your casseroles, Sunday dinners and anything that you cook.  You’ll be on the other end of the victorious cooking spoon and can smile, beam and be proud.  Just take it easy on the missus!


History of “Buffalo Wings” & How You Too Can Make Them

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Okay, I admit.  There are some things that are huge staples in our everyday lives when it comes to food but I have no idea nor clue, where the concept came from. 

All I know is there are some things that are “so damn delicious” that I don’t even give it a second thought as to the origination.  I just want to eat, have seconds, burp and have some more.

Hot Wings, Buffalo Wings or whatever you call them is one of those delicacies that we really don’t think about.  We just  eat, lick our fingers and eat some more.

Here’s some information I found that I think you’ll enjoy on this subject.  Here are also some tips in the event you are making your own wings at home.

History of Buffalo Wings

Buffalo chicken wings are a true Cinderella story. Thanks to Teresso  Bellissimo, the owner of Anchor Bar in Buffalo, N,Y., the wings formerly  considered scraps used in chicken stock and soup are now a much-loved appetizer  worthy of an entire day dedicated to their tastiness. Former Buffalo mayor  Stanley Makowski proclaimed July 29 as “Chicken Wing Day” in 1977.

The Inaugural Wings Buffalo wings were born Oct.  30, 1964, when Dom Bellissimo, bartender at Anchor Bar and son of the owners,  challenged his mother to whip up a late-night snack for his friends. “They  wanted something different. [Teresso] remembered she had these chicken wings  that were too meaty to use as scraps.”  She chopped off the tip of  each wing, tossed them in the fryer, added a spicy red sauce, and served them up  with celery and blue-cheese dressing. Needless to say, they were an instant  hit.

The Secret Formula There is no secret formula to great tasting Buffalo Wings.  The tastes vary and can range from hot, mild and spicy all the way to Cajun, fire engine hot, hot with a splash of vinegar and everything else in between.

If you want Oscar winning wings, here are some further suggestions.

Never use frozen wings

Big wings work best: Small chicken wings are for  stock and soup. Only the big wings have enough meat to sink your teeth into.

Dish out for good oil: Use the best oil money can  buy. Fry up your wings in a saturated fat-free oil.

Give them a good fry: It is mandatory that the fryer be able to  maintain a high cooking temperature for the duration of the cooking process.

• Top It All Off : Here’s a good recipe, full of flavor, I’m sure you will love.

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 cup Frank’s red hot sauce (Only use this!)
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 -3 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional depending on how hot you like it!) (optional)

Melt the butter in the pan.

Add the garlic and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes.

Add the flour and whisk until smooth, cook for 1 more minute.

Add the Franks and the vinegar, bring to a boil.

If desired add the pepper flakes and simmer for 2 or 3 minutes.

Pour over  your wings and enjoy.



7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Steak

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Isn’t it amazing how we go back and forth in regards to eating red meat or not.  Really?  At one point egg whites were bad and would kill you and the next, they were okay.  Look, you’re going to die one way or another of some kind of cause so why stress over the idea of “to eat meat” or “to not eat meat.”  Cook it up, grill it up, chew it up and enjoy it to the fullest.

1.  Studies indicate that, if our ancestors had not eaten red meats, the brain of humans would be 1/4 of its present size! During human evolution, our adaptation to red meat and the vital protein and fats it provides, is one of the KEY reasons behind the rapid growth in our intelligence and brain capacity.. without meat we still would be living in the trees eating bananas!

2.  In regions where people have the longest lifespan, the diet is based almost exclusively on meat of ruminant animals and cultured dairy products.

3.  Protein in beef and lamb provides plenty of building blocks for our body, ensuring strong lean muscles and healthy hormones.

4.  Red meat is an excellent source of vital minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium. In meat, these minerals exist in form that is much easier for the body to absorb compared to the minerals in grains and pulses.

5.  Vitamin B12, which can be obtained ONLY from animal sources and which is abundant in beef, is crucial for a healthy nervous system and blood.

6.  The carnitine in red meat is essential for balanced and steady functioning of the heart.

7.  Beef and lamb fat is rich in linoleic and palmiotelic acids, which have strong anticancer effects and fight viruses and other pathogens.

Have a big juicy steak with a baked potato and salad and you’ve just served yourself a nice slice of heaven.


Get Your Copy of the “Give Your Man Steak” Cookbook today.  Visit the website at

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