Why Men Like Mom’s Cooking Better Than The Wife

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You know I just thought of something.

Men love to eat but their mouths water like that of a dog when it’s time to eat their momma’s home cooking.  Of course, they try to act demure and shy but they really want to do cartwheels and backflips when it comes to moms home cooked vittles.

If they had to make an honest decision when it comes to choosing what’s in the pot between mom or their wife.  Bottom line.  Men like their mother’s cooking better, even if they are living happily ever after with their wife, spouse, mate or girlfriend.

Mothers serve up fanciful homecooked meals, have a wider repertoire of dishes, and always cook something they know their sons like.

Wives and girlfriends, on the other hand, are likely to rely on the microwave or oven-ready meals from the freezer because they are strapped for time because of work or childcare.

Research also found that one in four men often sneaks back to their mum’s for a spot of dinner without his wife or girlfriend knowing.  But it has to be quite endearing that men prefer their mother’s cooking.

As adults, men still seek the comfort and tradition of the cooking they have grown up with so they turn to their mums for what they perceive as a ‘proper meal”.

On the other hand, research also found more than one in 10 men think wives feel under pressure to live up to mother-in-law’s cooking skills.  With that said, can you imagine the hell that breaks loose when a man may suggest that his woman take cooking advice from his mom or mother-n-law per se?  Whew?  I don’t want to be around for that one.

So on that note, ladies, turn up the heat in the kitchen or simply accept that moms have that mommy magic when it comes to satisfying the dining pleasures of their son.  Don’t look at it as a bad thing.  Because just think.  If you’re a mom, with a son, then your baby will be coming home to devour your casseroles, Sunday dinners and anything that you cook.  You’ll be on the other end of the victorious cooking spoon and can smile, beam and be proud.  Just take it easy on the missus!


History of “Buffalo Wings” & How You Too Can Make Them

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Okay, I admit.  There are some things that are huge staples in our everyday lives when it comes to food but I have no idea nor clue, where the concept came from. 

All I know is there are some things that are “so damn delicious” that I don’t even give it a second thought as to the origination.  I just want to eat, have seconds, burp and have some more.

Hot Wings, Buffalo Wings or whatever you call them is one of those delicacies that we really don’t think about.  We just  eat, lick our fingers and eat some more.

Here’s some information I found that I think you’ll enjoy on this subject.  Here are also some tips in the event you are making your own wings at home.

History of Buffalo Wings

Buffalo chicken wings are a true Cinderella story. Thanks to Teresso  Bellissimo, the owner of Anchor Bar in Buffalo, N,Y., the wings formerly  considered scraps used in chicken stock and soup are now a much-loved appetizer  worthy of an entire day dedicated to their tastiness. Former Buffalo mayor  Stanley Makowski proclaimed July 29 as “Chicken Wing Day” in 1977.

The Inaugural Wings Buffalo wings were born Oct.  30, 1964, when Dom Bellissimo, bartender at Anchor Bar and son of the owners,  challenged his mother to whip up a late-night snack for his friends. “They  wanted something different. [Teresso] remembered she had these chicken wings  that were too meaty to use as scraps.”  She chopped off the tip of  each wing, tossed them in the fryer, added a spicy red sauce, and served them up  with celery and blue-cheese dressing. Needless to say, they were an instant  hit.

The Secret Formula There is no secret formula to great tasting Buffalo Wings.  The tastes vary and can range from hot, mild and spicy all the way to Cajun, fire engine hot, hot with a splash of vinegar and everything else in between.

If you want Oscar winning wings, here are some further suggestions.

Never use frozen wings

Big wings work best: Small chicken wings are for  stock and soup. Only the big wings have enough meat to sink your teeth into.

Dish out for good oil: Use the best oil money can  buy. Fry up your wings in a saturated fat-free oil.

Give them a good fry: It is mandatory that the fryer be able to  maintain a high cooking temperature for the duration of the cooking process.

• Top It All Off : Here’s a good recipe, full of flavor, I’m sure you will love.

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 cup Frank’s red hot sauce (Only use this!)
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 -3 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional depending on how hot you like it!) (optional)

Melt the butter in the pan.

Add the garlic and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes.

Add the flour and whisk until smooth, cook for 1 more minute.

Add the Franks and the vinegar, bring to a boil.

If desired add the pepper flakes and simmer for 2 or 3 minutes.

Pour over  your wings and enjoy.



7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Steak

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Isn’t it amazing how we go back and forth in regards to eating red meat or not.  Really?  At one point egg whites were bad and would kill you and the next, they were okay.  Look, you’re going to die one way or another of some kind of cause so why stress over the idea of “to eat meat” or “to not eat meat.”  Cook it up, grill it up, chew it up and enjoy it to the fullest.

1.  Studies indicate that, if our ancestors had not eaten red meats, the brain of humans would be 1/4 of its present size! During human evolution, our adaptation to red meat and the vital protein and fats it provides, is one of the KEY reasons behind the rapid growth in our intelligence and brain capacity.. without meat we still would be living in the trees eating bananas!

2.  In regions where people have the longest lifespan, the diet is based almost exclusively on meat of ruminant animals and cultured dairy products.

3.  Protein in beef and lamb provides plenty of building blocks for our body, ensuring strong lean muscles and healthy hormones.

4.  Red meat is an excellent source of vital minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium. In meat, these minerals exist in form that is much easier for the body to absorb compared to the minerals in grains and pulses.

5.  Vitamin B12, which can be obtained ONLY from animal sources and which is abundant in beef, is crucial for a healthy nervous system and blood.

6.  The carnitine in red meat is essential for balanced and steady functioning of the heart.

7.  Beef and lamb fat is rich in linoleic and palmiotelic acids, which have strong anticancer effects and fight viruses and other pathogens.

Have a big juicy steak with a baked potato and salad and you’ve just served yourself a nice slice of heaven.


Get Your Copy of the “Give Your Man Steak” Cookbook today.  Visit the website at www.giveyourmansteak.com

Ladies, Your Man Wants You To Order Steak…NOT SALAD!!!

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I almost fell out of my chair after reading about a recent study somewhere in Canada that  indicated that “young women tend to eat like frightened rabbits in front of their male counterparts.”

According to researchers, the women believed that eating small portions and low-calorie foods impresses the men.

When I go out with my friends, I end up feeling like the fat one  in a thin body.  Dining with my friends that try to eat dainty and cute with a salad and lemon water sometimes, make me sick.  They take the pizzazz out of eating out.

Now if that annoys me and makes me want to pop them across the head, imagine how their blind date, husband, boyfriend or male friend feels.  Look at it this way, you got dressed, got in the vehicle, drove to the restaurant, wasted some gas, paid for parking and then for the love of macaroni and cheese, SHE orders a SALAD!!!!

While he literally devours an almost entire side of beef, you’re sitting there getting your dressing on the side so you can dip the lettuce and you think you’re being impressive.  He could give a hoot.  And yes..HE WILL HEAR YOUR STOMACH GROWL..LOUDLY…later on.

Now mind you, he thinks you’re the sweetest, cutest, sexy love of his life and he won’t say anything.  But, it would be more impressive to him if you got down and dirty and filled your belly right alongside him.  Instead of eyeballing his potatoes, drooling over his gravy and holding your stomach with one hand and trying to pick at your salad with the other eat with him.  The bread ain’t gonna kill you.  Grab a slice and throw some butter on it.

Your man wants to see you eat.  Now I’m not saying order a bunch of junk, eat like a pig and spill it on your shirt.  He could care less if you’re eating in front of him and he has no interest in how you chew unless you’re giving him a 3-D show with your mouth wide open.

It’s okay to eat casual, a medium amount is all that you need anyway.  And in parting, I leave you with a few bits of advice.

1) Please eat because skinny girls are moody because they’re so hungry.

2) The old folks say, “Men, don’t marry a woman until you’ve seen her drunk and have eaten Steak with her and met her Mom”.  Why? Because you can see if she gets mean when drunk, who wants to marry a woman that doesn’t eat steak anyway and if you see her mom, you’ll know what she looks like in 20 years.

3) My favorite. Eat girl, eat.  You can then use the energy and have wild crazy sex with your man and burn off the calories.


Foods That Can Make Sex Better

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Okay we’ve all been there. Commercial after commercial about lubes and tubes for increased sexual stimulation. But who wants to spend that much money on something that can boost our passion when we can buy things at the local market for less or we may have what we need in our kitchen cubbards and don’t even know it.

So, lets take a walk on the wild side and see what we have on the kitchen shelf that can help with our “freaky deeky” and have explosive sex with a little help from some food bites here and there.


The pom owes its passion power to antioxidants, which protect the lining of blood vessels, allowing more blood to course through them. The upshot? Increased genital sensitivity.

Red Wine

Besides relaxing you faster than a neck rub can, red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps boost blood flow and improves circulation before and during intercourse.

Salmon and Walnuts

They’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which keep sex-hormone production at its peak. Pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds also contain the good stuff.


Postdinner, devour ice cream flavored with this sweet bean. It mildly stimulates nerves, making sexual sensations feel even better.


Make yours a watermelon martini. The juicy fruit contains the phytonutrient citrulline, which leads to an uptick in the amount of nitric oxide in your body. That spike causes blood vessels to relax and speeds up circulation. As a result, you’ll get more aroused in less time.


We know, we know: Oysters as an aphrodisiac sounds so clichéd, but they really can spark randiness. These shellfish are brimming with zinc, a mineral that cranks up the production of testosterone, which has been linked to a higher sex drive.


Another reason to think about sex when you wrap your lips around this phallus-shaped fruit: Chiquitas deliver potassium, a nutrient key to muscle strength. So when you orgasm, the contractions will be superintense.

Asparagus and Avocados

The vitamin E in these green eats helps your body churn out hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, which circulate in your bloodstream and stimulate sexual responses like clitoral swelling and vaginal lubrication.


Improved circulation results in greater erectile response. To accomplish that, go for food rich in L-Arginine, such as granola, or oatmeal. Studies show that L-Arginine is helpful for improving sexual function in men.

Dark Chocolate

Long rumored to be an aphrodisiac, a 2006 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who ate chocolate on a daily basis had higher sexual function than those who didn’t. That’s because dark chocolate contains both serotonin, which boosts your mood, and phenylethylamine, which mimics the brain chemistry of a person in love.


Long used in Indian medicine to boost libido, at least one animal study has shown an extract of nutmeg to have the same effect on mating behavior as Viagra. Sprinkle some on your cappuccino.


Raw celery boosts production of androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration. While you can’t smell it, androsterone apparently acts as a pheromone, triggering female attraction.


Sure, it’ll do a number on your breath, but garlic also contains allicin, an compound thought to increase blood flow to the sexual organs.

My conclusion is this. Viagra isn’t the only way to jump start things in the bedroom. If you want to seriously boost your libido, stock your pantry with these items and eat them on a regular basis. Who knows you might even lose weight in the process due to all of the extra activity and the extra exercise you’re getting in the bedroom,. And personally, THAT’S not a bad thing.


Women Play With Food But Men Just Want to Eat It

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Let’s face it.  The demand to eat in a space with cloth napkins, highly rated ambiance, and bunch of stars on the door is our way of thinking we’re special when it comes to having a good dining experience.  We drag our mates kicking and screaming into the nearest foo foo spot and we think we are really doing something.  Taking him to a foo foo dining spot is almost the equivalent of making him sit through an entire chick flick.  You get it don’t you?  A woman going to a fancy restaurant is almost like going to a performance like a concert.


Then on the other hand, women play with food like a doll.  They want to dress it up and make it look nice and pretty.  Sometimes a woman will have the nerve to come up with something dainty and call it a meal. (Like soup and a salad perhaps?) Lets begin to set the record straight when it comes to a mans approach to food.

Here are a few facts about  men and food.

Men Like To Eat Meals

A meal includes a main course and at least one side dish. (Two is better.) “One dish dinners” may be viewed by suspicion with men. Needless to say, a powerbar is not “breakfast.” Men do snack, but just as often the snack looks like another meal–a sandwich, a giant plate of nachos, a burger (but no sides–it’s just a snack!)  If you give him soup for dinner, don’t be offended if he asks for some crackers, some bread, a piece of chicken or something else to go along with the soup.

Men Like To Eat Real Food..aka Proteins

Men are the ones who create caveman recipes for two pound porterhouse steaks grilled directly on a hot bed of coals.  They’re not the ones who eat a bag of sun chips and a diet coke and call it lunch. (Ahem.)  Who did you think came up with the idea of a double cheeseburger?

Men Don’t Care If The Food Is Messy

Chicken wings, nachos, anything from the state fair.  Men will happily eat foods that require a whole roll of paper towels to clean up.  Women are the ones that tend to stay away from messy foods because of the cleanup and the idea that “it’s not a good look”.  Don’t deprive him.  Feed him hot wings by the boatload and he’ll love you for it.

Men Would Prefer You To Be Pretty.  Not the Food

As long as the food is good, it doesn’t have to look pretty.  Just throw it on the plate and give it to him.  He wants to eat.  He doesn’t care if the food touches on all sides, if its running together or looks like a blur.  He’ll eat it.  Presentation means nothing to him and don’t get mad if there are no compliments.  The compliments will come after the plate is empty and he’s had a good burp or a long fart.

Men Will Eat Salads as Long As It Has Serious Toppings

A salad can go two ways.  Rabbit food for you because it’s weak and puny and only has vegetables or a meal for him if you give the salad a facelift.  A man will completely devour a salad as long as you pump it up with turkey, bacon bits, diced ham, pepperoni slices or chicken.  And whatever meat you choose to jazz up his salad, be sure to add plenty of it.


So, while you play with your food, give him his food first.  So when he’s ready for his second serving, you should have your pretty stuff done or your low calorie, sugar free, watching your weight food on your plate and can join him.

Top Favorite Meals of Men (All Inside Give Your Man Steak Cookbook!!!)


The Top Ten Favorite Meals Of The American Man is something every woman should know about.   Here are the top ten food choices that the American Man would love to come home to after working all day.
1. Sheppard’s Pie :This delicious dish is very easy to make. You need 2 lbs of ground beef, a can of cream corn, and a container of “Simply” mashed potatoes, or any of the other brands in the refrigerated section of your supermarket. Brown the 2 lbs of ground beef and drain. Spread the brown beef along the bottom of a medium square or oblong baking dish. Spread the can of cream corn over the beef. Spread the container of mashed potatoes on top of this. You now have 3 layers, beef, corn, and mashed potatoes. Salt and pepper the top of the potatoes, and drop several very small pieces of butter or margarine on top of the potatoes. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 40 minutes. Take it out, let sit for about ten minutes, cut it in square portions and serve.When this dish was ordered 90% of the time it was by a man. Very seldom did women order this. It has everything that appeals to a man’s pallet. Meat, potatoes, and one of the only vegetables that most men prefer, corn. It is a hearty dish and it is very easy to eat, you can eat it with a spoon. It is a great dinner for a cold night.2. NY Strip Steak:A great steak grilled or char broiled and the majority of the men preferred mashed potatoes with this entree over baked potatoes and fries. This is rounded off with a salad.3. Boiled Lobster :This came in number 3 for men, but it is number 1 for woman. Just the regular boiled lobster with drawn butter (melted butter warm). They preferred this meal with a baked potato over mashed or fries. Coleslaw was the number one vegetable offering ordered with this.4. Prime Rib:This is a great meal. Just in case you are wondering the most preferred temperature of this meat is medium rare. Mashed potatoes were what most men ate with this beef dish. It was a tie for vegetables, between salad or corn.5. Beef Stew: A good old fashion stick to your ribs dinner. Beef stew is easy to make. You need to buy 2lbs of beef cubed for stew, 6 red potatoes, a small bag of baby carrots (the ones already washed and peeled as snack size) 4 stalks of celery (or you can buy the small container of celery already cut up and ready for dips). 1 small onion, and McCormick’s stew mix in the envelope. (you can use any brand stew mix in the envelope). Fill a large pot 1/4 the way up with water. Put in the envelope of stew mix. Put on stove top on high. Put the stew meat in and the small onion stripped of it’s outside skin, the onion goes in whole. Bring this to a boil, add potatoes, skin and all, the bad of baby carrots, and 4 stalks of celery cut into pieces about 1″ long. Bring to a boil again, them turn the burner to med. and simmer for 1 hour and 15 minutes. You have stew.

Again this is a good dish for a cold night. Men love this dish. It was something men order 75% more than women did. Just bread and butter with this for dipping in the gravy and your man will be thrilled.

6. BBQ Ribs (baby back) : messy, but guys love this. There number one choice with this for a potato choice was fries. I guess they like a dinner every once in a while where you eat everything with your hands. the vegetable to be served with this is corn on the cob , you guessed it, another eat with your hands food. This meal really brings out the primate in your guy. Easy to do at home you can either get the pre packaged with the BBQ sauce already on it or pick up a package of ribs and a bottle of BBQ sauce and pour the sauce (whole bottle) over the ribs before putting it in the oven. The trick to these ribs is slow cooking – 325 in the oven. You must cover the ribs with tin foil so they steam in the sauce. If you do not keep them covered they dry out quickly. Bake at 325 for two – two and 1/2 hours. The aroma fills the house.

7. Meat loaf : This is a real American dish. The choice for potato is mashed, with corn as a vegetable. It was 50-50 on what kind of corn, regular or creamed. I leave that up to you. Our meatloaf is delicious and easy to make. 2lbs of ground beef. 1/4 cup of Italian flavored bread crumbs, 1/4 cup of ketchup, 2 tablespoons of yellow mustard, and the secret ingredient, 1 tablespoon of steak sauce, like “A1”. and 1 egg. Mix all of this together in a bowl and then transfer to a baking dish and form into a loaf. Bake at 350 for 1 hour and 20 minutes. It is very good and when sliced thinner, it makes for some great sandwiches later.

8. Spaghetti and Meatballs: This is a a good with a salad and some fresh Italian bread. The sauce can be store brought. The meatballs are made of 2 lbs of ground beef 1/4 cup of bread crumbs (Italian Flavored) 1 egg. Mix in a bowl and roll small meatballs. Put on a cookie sheet (one that has a lip ) and bake at 350 for 25 minutes. Then take out the meatballs and drop them in your sauce. You can fry up pieces of cut bell pepper for added flavor and throw them in the sauce. Boil up your pasta and you have a great dinner.

9. Roasted Turkey : Just like a Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, mashed potato, stuffing and corn. Men love this holiday treat anytime of year. It is easy to cook. It takes a few hours, but the outcome is worth it. Turkey sandwiches afterwords is an added bonus.

10. Pot Roast: Another all American dinner. The pot roast is easy, you can’t over cook it. I make mine in the oven now with one of those oven bags and pot roast seasoning that comes in the envelope. You put the roast, 6 potatoes, a bag of baby carrots, in the bag. Mix the seasoning in the envelope with water as directed and pour over the roast, potatoes, and carrots. Seal the bag and poke a few small holes in it and cook at 350 for 2 hours. The house smells like grandma is cooking.

Give Your Man Steak Website Now Has a Marketplace

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Hello All,

You may have noticed that in one of my earlier posts, I mentioned that “Give Your Man Steak” is a movement.  Well indeed it is.  With that said, we are now creating a marketplace on our website to give you a few things that can help you keep things cooking in the bedroom, the boardroom or your very own personal room for improvement.  We will add items to the marketplace daily until we have it completed so bear with us.
And if you haven’t already, go ahead and get your copy of the Give Your Man Steak Cookbook and get cooking and get loving.





Feed Him After a Long Day of Work

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After a long day of work and dealing with traffic a man wants to simply to go home.

After the word home, should come the following words…and smell the aroma of a good cooked meal that makes his mouth water.

If the above happens, the bad day goes away and “hello mama” arrives. This can and will feed his hunger and more.  Quality food cooked with love wiil definitely make his soul soar.

Of course, you have a few sourpuss individuals that will vote for touching, sex and affection first (which you can’t get at McDonald’s they say).  I’m sure if you wager a bet, McDonald’s cant touch breakfast in bed with a ten foot pole.

If you choose to work outside the home, then try and come up with a plan so that you can cook as often as you can.  Even if you have to cook a few things in advance and store it and microwave it for him.  Your efforts will be rewarded.

Believe it or not, one of the keys to a successful relationship and getting your man to open up, is cooking for him. If you want to talk about feelings, don’t do it when they’re hungry.

Men are different from women, they have different metabolic rates. Pick your moments… make sure they’re fed. They can’t cope otherwise.

Lastly,  don’tlet the kids become an excuse for you to be too tired to cook.  Your relationship with your partner will last far longer than your children are going to be at home. If you let that relationship slide when your children are little, it might disintegrate and you might not be able to rescue it.

At the end of the day, once again, “F” your man and feed him good.


“Give Your Man Steak” Is a Movement

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Before we get started and digging into the recipes and the entire movement of “Give Your Man Steak”, and yes, indeed, it’s a movement.  I’ll explain the concept of the book and then tie it in and as we blog, get into the thick of things.

Feeding your man food in his stomach is almost the equivalent of feeding him in your relationship.  If you don’t give him good filling meals at home, he will go out and find a burger somewhere else.  The same as if you don’t take care of your man in the relationship, he will go out and find something or someone else.

Do you get my drift?

Now, back to the cookbook.

Women are losing their men because they’ve lost touch with the domestic goddess inside of them.  Yes, he should bring home the bacon, and your job is to fry it in the pan.  Yes, the way to a mans heart is through is stomach but the key word is “consistency”.  Ya’ gotta keep it up.

Feed him and feed him good if you want to keep him.  When you think of it, ever wonder why boys absolutely love their momma’s cooking.  They loved it because it was good food, cooked with love and consistent.

Oh, and another thing while we are on it.  Your man doesn’t want to eat kibbles and bits like you.  He wants to eat well, he wants to get full, and his belly should be getting nice, fat and round.  Leave the calorie counting, carbs and sugar concerns alone.  Feed him and feed him good.  Yes, you can feed him good, solid food without running him into diabetes, hypertension or other health concerns.

In other words, just feed him.


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