Isn’t it amazing how we go back and forth in regards to eating red meat or not.  Really?  At one point egg whites were bad and would kill you and the next, they were okay.  Look, you’re going to die one way or another of some kind of cause so why stress over the idea of “to eat meat” or “to not eat meat.”  Cook it up, grill it up, chew it up and enjoy it to the fullest.

1.  Studies indicate that, if our ancestors had not eaten red meats, the brain of humans would be 1/4 of its present size! During human evolution, our adaptation to red meat and the vital protein and fats it provides, is one of the KEY reasons behind the rapid growth in our intelligence and brain capacity.. without meat we still would be living in the trees eating bananas!

2.  In regions where people have the longest lifespan, the diet is based almost exclusively on meat of ruminant animals and cultured dairy products.

3.  Protein in beef and lamb provides plenty of building blocks for our body, ensuring strong lean muscles and healthy hormones.

4.  Red meat is an excellent source of vital minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium. In meat, these minerals exist in form that is much easier for the body to absorb compared to the minerals in grains and pulses.

5.  Vitamin B12, which can be obtained ONLY from animal sources and which is abundant in beef, is crucial for a healthy nervous system and blood.

6.  The carnitine in red meat is essential for balanced and steady functioning of the heart.

7.  Beef and lamb fat is rich in linoleic and palmiotelic acids, which have strong anticancer effects and fight viruses and other pathogens.

Have a big juicy steak with a baked potato and salad and you’ve just served yourself a nice slice of heaven.


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