Give Your Man Steak says…there’s nothing better than taking a walk on the ride side and experimenting with spices and flavorings and you make his mouth water with a juicy steak.  Enjoy whipping up these tasty steaks and sit back, enjoy the meal and the celebration afterwards.


Cowboy Steak.  Cowboy indeed. This is a big porterhouse steak seasoned with garlic, chili

Cowboy Steak powder, salt and pepper and then grilled over a hot fire. Plan on one of these for two people unless you have been dared to eat too much steak at one sitting. This is certainly enough to satisfy the heartiest of appetites.



Michael Jordan's 23 DelmonicoMichael Jordan’s 23 Delmonico Steak.  23 is Michael Jordan’s famous Chicago restaurant. This is as close to their recipe for the Delmonico Steak that you are going to find. This grilled Rib-Eye gets topped with a fantastic mushroom, tomato, and rosemary sauce. The sauce that makes this recipe special seems strange but when it comes together it is something amazing.


Marinated London Broil is the recipe that became synonymous with the cut of beef. Marinated London BroilMarinated with garlic, wine, and vinegar, this is a traditional London Broil. To get the flavor authentic you will want charcoal, but a good gas grill will do the job just as well. This is a thick cut of steak, large enough to feed two, so check the internal temperature and make sure you get it cooked through to the middle.