Why Men Like Mom’s Cooking Better Than The Wife

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You know I just thought of something.

Men love to eat but their mouths water like that of a dog when it’s time to eat their momma’s home cooking.  Of course, they try to act demure and shy but they really want to do cartwheels and backflips when it comes to moms home cooked vittles.

If they had to make an honest decision when it comes to choosing what’s in the pot between mom or their wife.  Bottom line.  Men like their mother’s cooking better, even if they are living happily ever after with their wife, spouse, mate or girlfriend.

Mothers serve up fanciful homecooked meals, have a wider repertoire of dishes, and always cook something they know their sons like.

Wives and girlfriends, on the other hand, are likely to rely on the microwave or oven-ready meals from the freezer because they are strapped for time because of work or childcare.

Research also found that one in four men often sneaks back to their mum’s for a spot of dinner without his wife or girlfriend knowing.  But it has to be quite endearing that men prefer their mother’s cooking.

As adults, men still seek the comfort and tradition of the cooking they have grown up with so they turn to their mums for what they perceive as a ‘proper meal”.

On the other hand, research also found more than one in 10 men think wives feel under pressure to live up to mother-in-law’s cooking skills.  With that said, can you imagine the hell that breaks loose when a man may suggest that his woman take cooking advice from his mom or mother-n-law per se?  Whew?  I don’t want to be around for that one.

So on that note, ladies, turn up the heat in the kitchen or simply accept that moms have that mommy magic when it comes to satisfying the dining pleasures of their son.  Don’t look at it as a bad thing.  Because just think.  If you’re a mom, with a son, then your baby will be coming home to devour your casseroles, Sunday dinners and anything that you cook.  You’ll be on the other end of the victorious cooking spoon and can smile, beam and be proud.  Just take it easy on the missus!


Ladies, Your Man Wants You To Order Steak…NOT SALAD!!!

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I almost fell out of my chair after reading about a recent study somewhere in Canada that  indicated that “young women tend to eat like frightened rabbits in front of their male counterparts.”

According to researchers, the women believed that eating small portions and low-calorie foods impresses the men.

When I go out with my friends, I end up feeling like the fat one  in a thin body.  Dining with my friends that try to eat dainty and cute with a salad and lemon water sometimes, make me sick.  They take the pizzazz out of eating out.

Now if that annoys me and makes me want to pop them across the head, imagine how their blind date, husband, boyfriend or male friend feels.  Look at it this way, you got dressed, got in the vehicle, drove to the restaurant, wasted some gas, paid for parking and then for the love of macaroni and cheese, SHE orders a SALAD!!!!

While he literally devours an almost entire side of beef, you’re sitting there getting your dressing on the side so you can dip the lettuce and you think you’re being impressive.  He could give a hoot.  And yes..HE WILL HEAR YOUR STOMACH GROWL..LOUDLY…later on.

Now mind you, he thinks you’re the sweetest, cutest, sexy love of his life and he won’t say anything.  But, it would be more impressive to him if you got down and dirty and filled your belly right alongside him.  Instead of eyeballing his potatoes, drooling over his gravy and holding your stomach with one hand and trying to pick at your salad with the other eat with him.  The bread ain’t gonna kill you.  Grab a slice and throw some butter on it.

Your man wants to see you eat.  Now I’m not saying order a bunch of junk, eat like a pig and spill it on your shirt.  He could care less if you’re eating in front of him and he has no interest in how you chew unless you’re giving him a 3-D show with your mouth wide open.

It’s okay to eat casual, a medium amount is all that you need anyway.  And in parting, I leave you with a few bits of advice.

1) Please eat because skinny girls are moody because they’re so hungry.

2) The old folks say, “Men, don’t marry a woman until you’ve seen her drunk and have eaten Steak with her and met her Mom”.  Why? Because you can see if she gets mean when drunk, who wants to marry a woman that doesn’t eat steak anyway and if you see her mom, you’ll know what she looks like in 20 years.

3) My favorite. Eat girl, eat.  You can then use the energy and have wild crazy sex with your man and burn off the calories.


Foods That Can Make Sex Better

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Okay we’ve all been there. Commercial after commercial about lubes and tubes for increased sexual stimulation. But who wants to spend that much money on something that can boost our passion when we can buy things at the local market for less or we may have what we need in our kitchen cubbards and don’t even know it.

So, lets take a walk on the wild side and see what we have on the kitchen shelf that can help with our “freaky deeky” and have explosive sex with a little help from some food bites here and there.


The pom owes its passion power to antioxidants, which protect the lining of blood vessels, allowing more blood to course through them. The upshot? Increased genital sensitivity.

Red Wine

Besides relaxing you faster than a neck rub can, red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps boost blood flow and improves circulation before and during intercourse.

Salmon and Walnuts

They’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which keep sex-hormone production at its peak. Pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds also contain the good stuff.


Postdinner, devour ice cream flavored with this sweet bean. It mildly stimulates nerves, making sexual sensations feel even better.


Make yours a watermelon martini. The juicy fruit contains the phytonutrient citrulline, which leads to an uptick in the amount of nitric oxide in your body. That spike causes blood vessels to relax and speeds up circulation. As a result, you’ll get more aroused in less time.


We know, we know: Oysters as an aphrodisiac sounds so clichéd, but they really can spark randiness. These shellfish are brimming with zinc, a mineral that cranks up the production of testosterone, which has been linked to a higher sex drive.


Another reason to think about sex when you wrap your lips around this phallus-shaped fruit: Chiquitas deliver potassium, a nutrient key to muscle strength. So when you orgasm, the contractions will be superintense.

Asparagus and Avocados

The vitamin E in these green eats helps your body churn out hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, which circulate in your bloodstream and stimulate sexual responses like clitoral swelling and vaginal lubrication.


Improved circulation results in greater erectile response. To accomplish that, go for food rich in L-Arginine, such as granola, or oatmeal. Studies show that L-Arginine is helpful for improving sexual function in men.

Dark Chocolate

Long rumored to be an aphrodisiac, a 2006 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who ate chocolate on a daily basis had higher sexual function than those who didn’t. That’s because dark chocolate contains both serotonin, which boosts your mood, and phenylethylamine, which mimics the brain chemistry of a person in love.


Long used in Indian medicine to boost libido, at least one animal study has shown an extract of nutmeg to have the same effect on mating behavior as Viagra. Sprinkle some on your cappuccino.


Raw celery boosts production of androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration. While you can’t smell it, androsterone apparently acts as a pheromone, triggering female attraction.


Sure, it’ll do a number on your breath, but garlic also contains allicin, an compound thought to increase blood flow to the sexual organs.

My conclusion is this. Viagra isn’t the only way to jump start things in the bedroom. If you want to seriously boost your libido, stock your pantry with these items and eat them on a regular basis. Who knows you might even lose weight in the process due to all of the extra activity and the extra exercise you’re getting in the bedroom,. And personally, THAT’S not a bad thing.